Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Final topic

I'm still organizing my thoughts about my website. I am going to do it on the Lipizzaner horses of the Spanish Riding School. I will be able to link to the home site in Vienna as well as the site for the stud farm in Piber, in the province of Styria.

I hope to be able to post pictures I took of the horses when I visited there last summer. I also have some audio on my digital camera and am not sure if I will be able to post the video and the audio on my site.

One problem I forsee is regarding the creative part of the website. I have never felt artistic and after looking at other sites, realize that my site may be functional rather than artistic.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

question about time on post

I forgot to ask in class - how do I change the time that is listed as the time I post to my blog? Apparently, I am showing posting 3 hours prior to when I am actually doing it. For instance, it is now 11:54pm but I'm sure this will post as 8:54pm, which is apparently PDT not EDT. I have looked through various tabs and don't see anything that tells me how to change this entry. Thanks for any help.

possible FW topic

I just got home from class and have had another idea for a website - something about adopting a dog or cat from a shelter or rescue group. I adopted my dog and his mother from a rescue group which I found through I had a very successful experience. I could have a link to the petfinder site as well as a site about deciding what breed to look for. I remember I found a site about breeds through the IPL site.

If I found too much information on both cats and dogs, I would focus on dogs so I could relate my personal experience with the adoption process.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

final project topic

I've begun to think of topics for the final project - though I have to read the instructions again to make sure it will be ok

one idea I had is to do a website on a portion of my trip to Austria last summer - I visited the stud farm of the Lippizaner horses who perform in Vienna - I have some pictures and video from my digital camera, which I could post. I could link to the the Spanish Riding School in Vienna as well as to the stud farm itself. For colors, I would probably use light brown and light green.

2nd choice would be to talk about local places to hike in Central New Jersey - Princeton, Pennington - Mercer County - maybe go up to the Delaware Water Gap. I think the color palette could also be green and brown

will have to start mapping them out and see which looks best

Saturday, April 12, 2008

this is somewhat confusing

so I'm confused - how do I get back to the class blog list to look at another classmate's blog without going back thru blackboard - when I've used the next blog button, I seem to get someone's blog that's not in our class - I don't want to do that because I know I'll get distracted from what I'm supposed to be doing for class - hope we get a chance in class to ask some questions about this

Thursday, April 10, 2008

what I did this past weekend

I was in Ithaca NY this past weekend, visiting a friend - she works at Cornell University and we drove around the campus - it's a beautiful campus and a beautiful area - it's in the Finger Lake area of NY state - here's links to Cornell University and the Finger Lakes area site - looks like a great place to vacation!!

hope you enjoy these sites

2nd post

well, I'm finally beginning to understand how to do this

I'm sure most people who read my blog will think it's pretty lame but since you learn by doing, that's what I'm doing!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


my name is Nancy.
I am studying at Drexel University and am getting my Masters in Library and Information Science.
I am a circulation assistant at an academic library.
I want to have a full time librarian job in an academic library. I plan to finish my degree by June 2009.

Some of my favorite web sites are:
Stony Brook Watershed
NJ Trails
Passage Theater

visit these sites for great information