Wednesday, April 16, 2008

possible FW topic

I just got home from class and have had another idea for a website - something about adopting a dog or cat from a shelter or rescue group. I adopted my dog and his mother from a rescue group which I found through I had a very successful experience. I could have a link to the petfinder site as well as a site about deciding what breed to look for. I remember I found a site about breeds through the IPL site.

If I found too much information on both cats and dogs, I would focus on dogs so I could relate my personal experience with the adoption process.


Hadley said...

I suggest fostering. I fostered a dog and it is a wonderful thing to do for both the dog and you.
On your end, you get to see if you and the animal "click".
And even if you don't click, the dog has a temporary home.

katherine said...

The dog adoption process/experience would be a good idea for a website because it would be useful for lots of people.

alek (initials: as) said...
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alek (initials: as) said...

This is just a suggestion. How about arranging sponsorship for a kid in Africa. I think it would make a great website and touch on feelings of many of us (somebody else might do it as well after he reads about your experience). There is a ton of websites on that. I am not sure which are fraud and which are legitimate. Here is a Google page with results:

Dorothy said...

This would be a great website idea. We got our kitty from a shelter and wanted to take all of them home!